Your Club

AmVets Post 147 provides the EASIEST way to support veterans.
Just come and have fun! It’s that easy!

The American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 147 is a popular pub and event hall serving veterans and local residents. Food is served most nights. Entertainment, games, darts, pool (leagues too) are happening most nights and it’s also just a great place to simply gather with friends.

Play Keno or Mass State Lottery. Join in the activities. Make new friends. Guests are always welcomed!
We are accepting new members….Veterans, Sons of Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary.

The AMVETS Post 147 continually hosts events and manages fund drives to support local veterans. Our mission is to support our military family. We thank you for your patronage and support.

Banquet Hall

Our 300 person banquet hall is available for rent at very reasonable rates. Use it for almost anything you like such as receptions, mercy meals, meetings, swap meets, wrestling matches, banquets, birthday & anniversary parties, Sweet 16 parties, regular good ol’ “party just to party” parties, self-promoted concerts and whatever else your imagination comes up with (within legal and moral reason of course).

This is YOUR function hall! Come use it!

(978) 374-9807


AmVets (Post 147) is always open to guests, but membership has its perks!

AMVETS (the organization) is a veterans service organization open to anyone who is currently serving, or who has honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces including the National Guard and Reserves.

AMVETS members enjoy savings and benefits from our many partners and participate in post activities for fun, community service, and to help fellow veterans across many aspects of life.

Annual membership dues are only $32. Life memberships are $250. If you pay in person at the post, the club gets to keep a small portion so we’d appreciate that effort, but you can also join online by clicking here.

Ladies AuxiliaryOfficersBoard of Directors
President: Alice CyrCommander: Richard BurnellPresident: John Tyler
First Vice President: Ruth McKeonFirst Vice Commander: Laurie GordonVice President: Paul Riopelle
Second Vice President: Laurie GordonSecond Vice Commander: Jonathan GagneTreasurer: David Triplett
Third Vice President: Joanne PaysonThird Vice Commander: Justin BordenSecretary: Nelson Goulet
Hospital Chairman: Joanne PaysonFinance Officer: OpenDirector: Open
Treasurer and Scholarship: Betty BurnellChaplain: Johnathan GagneDirector: Open
Americanism: Ruth McKeonAssistant Chaplain: Richard KlingerDirector: Johnathan Gagne
Chaplain: Ann-Marie GinnProvost Marshall: William GerryDirector: Open
Click Here For National chapterJudge Advocate: Richard KlingerAmvet Rep: Open
Adjutant: OpenVFW Rep: John Berrini
Veterans Service Officer: Shawn WatkinsClick Here For National Chapter

About AmVets

The AMVETS (American Veterans) is one of America’s foremost veterans service organizations. AMVETS has a proud history of assisting veterans by sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens. The helping hand that AMVETS extends to veterans and their families takes many forms.
AMVETS Post 147 is dedicated to servicing veterans in Haverhill, MA and surrounding communities.

AmVets Post 147

The Mission

To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and services.

Our commitment to service traces its roots back to 1944 when veteran volunteers first began helping veterans of World War II obtain the benefits promised them by the federal government. As the number of returning veterans swelled into the millions, it was evident that some sort of nationally organized assistance for them would be needed. The older established national groups wouldn’t do; the leaders of this new generation of veterans wanted their own organization.

With that in mind, eighteen of them, representing nine veteran’s clubs, met in Kansas City, Missouri and founded The American Veterans of World War II on Dec. 10, 1944. Less than three years later, on July 23, 1947, President Harry S. Truman signed Public Law 216, making AMVETS the first World War II organization to be chartered by Congress.

Since then, the original charter has been amended several times to admit as members those who served in different eras. Today, membership in AMVETS is open to anyone who is currently serving, or who has honorably served, in the U.S. Armed Forces from World War II to the present, to include the National Guard and Reserves.

As a volunteer-led organization, we annually elect and/or appoint officers at the national, district, department and post levels. Each August, representatives from these levels attend the AMVETS national convention to make decisions on issues affecting veterans and the organization.

The AMVETS organization has grown and evolved over the years to best serve each new generation of veterans and their families. Explore our website to appreciate the services, programs and public policy impact we drive every day across the United States.

As the organization moves further into the 21st century, it does so with the conviction that its focus on preserving freedom, supporting America’s defenders and serving her communities remains a clear blueprint for continued service to God and country.

Preamble to the AMVETS Constitution

We, the American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, fully realizing our responsibility to our community, to our state and to our nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes: to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to safeguard the principles of freedom, liberty and justice for all; to promote the cause of peace and goodwill among nations; to maintain inviolate the freedom of our country; to preserve the fundamentals of democracy; to perpetuate the friendship and associations of these veterans; and to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance, this by the grace of God.

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